26 October 2008

PresentationZen på vej til Europa?

Garr Reynolds er dybt inspirerende om det at præsentere for andre og komme væk fra 'death-by-powerpoint' - hvis vi er rigtig heldige dukker han måske op i Danmark i 2009? Håber det!

15 September 2007

Quote to think about...

This quote just seems to hit your thoughts:

You are what your deep, driving desire is.
As your desire is, so is your will.
As your will is, so is your deed.
As your deed is, so is your destiny.

Brihadaranyaka Upanishad IV.4.5

26 August 2007

Working on presentation for Henley Masterclass

I will do a presentation on 3 September at Henley Masterclass 2007 - it will be a case study presentation about Information Management - an integrated view. The location is at Danske Bank's head office in Copenhagen.
See link to event: http://www.henley.dk/Content/2/2.6.htm

08 March 2007


Just ended two days of intranet conference in Copenhagen - IntraTeam Event 2007

Welcome to me...

Well, finally got a blog :-)

12 October 2004

Presentation - information architecture based on processes and tasks

Did a presentation (in Danish) about how to structure the information architecture on an intranet on work processes or tasks.

Link to presentation at VidenDanmark.